Dear friends,

Our thoughts are with you, and we hope you are finding your way through these uncertain times. In these last weeks, we have often stumbled with fear, but each time we rebalance and set back on a path of hope. 

We want to share what’s giving our days rhythm, ritual and purpose, and reminding us of the fundamentals of a connected life.

Daily meditation to centre our energy and thoughts – this series [] on courage, compassion and hope from Deepak Chopra is simple and grounding

Drinking delicious strong coffee in the morning as the dawns get colder and it gets harder to leave the embrace of our duvets

Listening to the low-key, local-focused news and interviews on National Radio, like our parents did when we were children

Wearing easy, beautiful outfits that make us feel comfortable and good, with a spritz of fragrance to lift our spirits

Walking daily, and taking pleasure in noticing the small, slow, often-overlooked changes of the landscape

Heading to the local shop to stock up on fruit, vegetables and dark chocolate, and spending time cooking meals for our families

Remembering the value of growing our own food and flowers, and putting seeds into our gardens. Leafy greens like rocket and spinach grow fast and well, even in cooler weather

Stretching our bodies with Yoga with Kirsty van de Geer [@motherearthloveryogi], especially her soothing Wednesday and Sunday 5pm Yin classes

Watching the films from last year’s Film Festival that we never got around to attending (won’t make that mistake again!) and the new series of Ozark on Netflix

Reading the rigorous and beautiful essays of Joan Didion, and back issues of The Gentlewoman, always a trove of interviews with inspirational women

Turning off the alarm and letting ourselves sleep for as long as we need. Exhaustion can be invisible when we are used to being tired all the time. 

Each day we feel a little more optimistic, and refocused on what’s important – our family, our friends, our community, and Mother Nature.

Be well,

Mahsa and team xx 


Each day we feel a little more optimistic and refocused on what’s important – our family our friends our community and Mother Nature.